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memory backup造句

"memory backup"是什么意思  
  • This product became a successful energy source for memory backup applications.
  • Smaller units are used as memory backup for static random-access memory ( SRAM ).
  • Enthusiasts analyzed memory backups and discovered that entries in the calculator's CUSTOM menu pointed at specific memory locations.
  • In addition, many models also contain memory backup, which uses a battery to keep the clock running when the power fails.
  • ZShell, the first assembly shell, was created for the TI-85 after an exploit was found using a hacked memory backup file containing the shell to bypass the calculator's standard operating system.
  • It supports non-volatile memory backup using optional 2.5-inch PATA drive, HyperOs software ( which swaps RAM contents to a different drive ) or backup battery ( 5 Ah or 10 Ah ).
  • Based in Madison, Wis ., the company is also the leading domestic maker of rechargeable household batteries, heavy-duty batteries and certain specialty batteries, like those for lanterns and lithium batteries for memory backup in personal computers.
  • It's difficult to see memory backup in a sentence. 用memory backup造句挺难的
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